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How to Solve No Such File or Directory Error in Python

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When trying to open a file for view or edit, you often face an error like No such file or directory. So let’s see how to solve that error.

Solved No Such File Or Directory Error in Python

Solution 1

To solve No Such File Or Directory Error in Python, ensure that the file exists in your provided path. To check all the files in the directory, use the os.listdir() method. The os.listdir() is a built-in Python method that lists the files in the current working directory.

There are two types of paths in Python.

  • Absolute Path
  • Relative Path

Absolute Path in Python

An absolute path always contains the root element and the complete directory list required to locate the file. Therefore, if you pass the absolute path, you won’t get No Such File Or Directory Error because you provide the perfect filepath to that file.

If the file does not exist, you will get the error; otherwise, you won’t get any error because you are not looking at the wrong folder.

Absolute Path in Windows


Always use an absolute path to open the file.

file = open(r'C:\Users\krunal\index.php')

If you are not in the directory you want to open a file, change the current working directory before opening the file.

import os
file = open('index.php')

Another common mistake that can cause the “file not found” error include:

Accidentally using escape sequences in a file path

path = 'C:\Users\newton\index.php'

This will generate an error. To avoid making this mistake, remember to use a raw string literal for file paths:

path = r'C:\Users\newton\index.php'

Absolute Path in Linux


Relative Path in Python

A relative path needs to be combined with another path to access a file. A relative path is defined as the path related to the current working directly(cwd). It starts at your current directory and never starts with a / because it is not root.

A relative path in the programming is not recommended because the platforms are different, and sometimes it does not work as expected. That is why always pass the absolute path and ensure that the file you want to work with exists in your directory.

Relative Path in Windows


Relative Path in Linux


Make sure you’re in the directory you think you’re in with os.getcwd() (if you launch your code from an IDE, you may well be in a different directory).

Relative file paths are always relative to the current working directory, and the current working directory doesn’t have to be the location of your python script.

The relative path begins with a dot (period), representing the current directory (also called the “working directory”). For example, the relative path ./public_html/index.php is valid only if the current directory contains a path named public_html, which contains a directory named index.php.

Solution 2

Original Post: Click Here

When the specified file is not found in the working directory, or the specified path is invalid, the Python programming language throws a FileNotFoundError/IOError exception. In this article, we will learn how to resolve this exception in Python.

One of the easiest and obvious ways to solve this issue is to ensure that the file you refer to exists at the path specified or the current working directory. It is also possible that there is a typographical error or typo in the file name or the file path. These two are the most common reasons due to which we end up hitting a FileNotFoundError/IOError exception.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are a few other steps to resolve this error.

  • If the file we refer to exists in the current working directory, we can use the pre-installed os module to check if the file exists. The os.listdir() method lists all the files that exist in the specified directory. We can verify the existence of the required file before proceeding with the actual task. The following Python code presents a simple function that we can use for our use case.
import os

def file_exists(filename, path = os.getcwd()):
	Check if the specified file exists at the specified directory
	files = os.listdir(path)
	return filename in files 

The file_exists() method will return True if the file is found and False if not. If no path to a directory is given, the current working directory is considered. The os.getcwd() method returns the current working directory.

  • For file paths, try going for raw strings over plain strings. When plain strings are used to represent a file path, every backslash or \ has to be escaped or prefixed with another backslash. Since \ is an escaping character in Python, it gets ignored. It has to be escaped to fix that. The following Python code depicts the same.
s = r"path\to\file"

Be sure to open the terminal or command prompt

python consdider \ blackslash as escaping character like \t,\a \n in this case c:\Users\amine  blackslash \\ or one forward slash / like "c:/user/Anime...."

That is it for solving the No Such File Or Directory Error in Python.


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